Is wild camping legal in Norway?
Yes, wild camping is officially allowed in Norway. Despite the general permission, there are a few points that have to be taken into consideration. The freedom to stay and camp anywhere in nature is based on Everyman’s Right (Norwegian Allemannsretten).
The golden rules for camping wild in Norway
- You can camp for up to two nights on any stretch of uncultivated land without asking permission from the landowner.
- This right applies to camping in the open country only, not farmland under cultivation, hay meadows, or young plantations and regenerating forest. If in doubt, look for another spot.
- Your pitch needs to be 150m away from the nearest house, cabin or other building that’s being occupied or used. You can’t set up camp on someone’s lawn or the plot around a holiday home.
- In remote areas, you don’t need to seek permission for longer stays as long as it doesn’t cause inconvenience and you’re not close to busy walking trails or touristy spots.
- In return for pitching up in the wild, you’re asked to respect nature and wildlife and leave no litter or other trace of your stay.
Finding camping spot in Norway
You can plan your trip well in advance and have a good plan. Your plan may include good camping spots, but what if they will be occupied before you will arrive?
We have made a map with hundreds of camping spots, rest stops, camping sites – both private and municipal. This map will be useful before and while traveling and will save you a lot of time searching for camping locations.
Local restrictions and limitations
- You can meet the “No Camping” sign at parking lots, rest places, or on private land. They might look quite official from the local municipality or just as a random sign. Hard to guess if it is a legal sign, but how to verify…:!?
- Bomvei – A toll road, the term you can meet in Norway in a very remote place. Toll roads might be on major roads, bridges, tunnels, but what might surprise you – private or inner roads, ie in a National park like Rondane Nasjonalpark. Get some cash notes and coins once possible as not every toll road payable with card.
Can you Drink Tap Water in Norway?
Tap water in Norway in most cases safe to drink. If not, you will find the corresponding sign next to the water cranes. Many grocery shops and gas stations are fitted with water cranes outside the building, so you can easily refill your drink and freshwater tank.

Toll roads in Norway and Ferries
- Unfortunately, The use of road tolls to fund road building has a long tradition in Norway. AutoPASS is the Norwegian system for the collection of tolls. Most toll collection points in Norway are automated. You pass straight through without stopping. More info you can find in our post about toll roads in Norway and use of Autopass
- Costs of toll roads might be quite significant. In the planning stage, you can check your route with a toll road calculator and avoid unpleasant surprises. One of the most convenient sources: and
- Ferries… just don’t forget to check timetable and prices… it may hurt. If you own Autopass tag, then you will be able to pay automatically and get a discount from 10 to 20%, but if you will upgrade your contract to Autopass for ferries, then you will get a discount of 50%. More detailed information in our post about the use of Autopass on ferries.